Can Customer Trust You?
According to scientists, human being have the very basic need to trust others. In our evolution, we can be what we are now because of social activities. We protect each other, we help each other, we invent together, we build together. No single man can make an impact on the world without help of others. Why would the others help? Trust.
Trust makes you feel at home, or at least save, wherever you find that trust. For example, in school, you have hundreds of other students. but I bet you did not get along with everyone. You had your close friends, a group of (sometimes) misfits that stick together no matter what. Why did you do that? Why did you have close friends? It’s because you found that among all other students, only those people you can trust.
Why do you trust people? It’s because you believe in the same thing as the people you trust. How do you know other people’s beliefs? Symbols. Symbols can be a favorite football team. Or where they come from. Anything. It’s those same beliefs that make you trust other people.
Best companies are also built by people who have the same beliefs. So they trust each other, they help each other, combine their expertise to create something magnificent. A product that they believe in.
Product is the symbol needed by customers to trust a company. If the product appealing to them, shares what they believe in, they will trust the company and become the company’s loyal customer.
We at Qajoo are a group of people who believe in the same values. We are very diverse, misfits if you will, but we craft amazing products together. Why? It’s because we believe in the Company Culture. It is our foundation, our belief that a product should be crafted meticulously just like a painter paints his masterpiece. Our belief that we should strive to best ourselves in every product we craft.
We hope that these values will resonate with many people out there, so that we can trust each other. So that we can make the best product that will change our lives. Crafter and customer.
At first I didn’t know that this trust thing exists. But this presentation by Simon Sinek confirms what I believe, I am in the best possible place because I am with people that I trust.