FUN is the Key of Productivity is the Key of Productivity

Who doesn’t want to improve our productivity? I do believe everyone does! In today’s busy world, we seem to be obsessed with the idea of productivity or workaholic. But you also need to admit it, that somehow you love distraction as well… It reminds you that you can’t just stay focus to one thing and easily distracted with small simple things, such as friends chat, social media mention, gossiping and so on… But we should remember if time can’t be reversed. Time is only can be invested, leveraged, or wasted. It’s the only thing that we have in common, yet it’s how we choose to spend it that defines and differentiates us as individuals.


Time flies and we don’t know whenever this precious thing taken from us for nothing. If you ask us in Qajoo, what makes us easily productive? The answer would be “FUN”. We do everything with fun. Once you do something that you love and with no hard feelings, your output would be awesome! And yaps, you can do it fast because you enjoy doing so. We learn how to work with fun from Google, they are the initiator of putting word “fun” and “work” together in the same sentence and it success to increase their employees productivity. In Qajoo everyone has high value on their time with respect to quality of life, or in the other words we don’t want to spend our time doing something we hate, in a place we don’t want to be, surrounded by people we don’t want to be around, anything we do, we do it with fun. Based on that, we can maximize our productivity. Yes, productivity is something that we set, not just gaining with no plan. How we set that? By ensuring we enjoy our work life and in everything we do, make sure it’s fun! Since FUN is the key of productivity.

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