The Power of Passion

Passion is a strong enthusiasm of doing something. You can apply passion into anything! You can apply it to your study, hobby, or maybe to your crush :p. You can also apply passion for your work. If you work with passion, your work will be fun and exciting.

Doing something with passion is just like doing something you love. If you like playing football then You should be a football player. If you like singing, be a passionate singer. You do it because You love it, that is passion.


Passionate Crafter

Working with passion is just like getting paid for having fun. Yeah! You don’t feel like working, because working feels like having fun when you do what you love. And working with passion will create a great outcome. Why? Because anyone who works with passion is a person who know well what he/she does, and will do his/her best to finish the job. Passion is more valuable than skill. Person with passion will learn new skills to achieve his/her goal, but a person that have great skill without passion will stop learning something new and will stuck on their current skill.

Passion also can be translated as “never give up”, passionate person will never give up doing their work no matter how hard it is to achieve. They will never give up for any reason, if they stuck they will find another way, if they didn’t find another way, they will create a new way.


Naruto’s passion

Japanese Anime called “Naruto” have a good story about passion. It’s an anime about Naruto’s story who wanted to be a Hokage (leader of ninja village). He kept his word, and tried to reach his goal with full passion. He never gave up although he didn’t have good ninja skill. He learnt many things and became a great man because he had passion. If you want a real life example, you can take a look at Masashi Kishimoto, He is Naruto’s mangaka, He works with passion, so now Naruto becomes a popular manga!

In Qajoo’s Corporate Culture, we stated that we are “Passionate Crafter” (#QCC2), every legendary product we craft is made by passionate people.

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